Synopsis (EN) Soohyun, a fourth-year elementary school teacher, is about to get married. One day, YoSynopsis (EN) Soohyun, a fourth-year elementary school teacher, is about to get married. One day, Yohan, a student in her class, comes to Soohyun, who was busy and happy. Yohan confesses to Soohyun that he is experiencing domestic abuse. But the next day, John's lies await Soohyun.详情
柯林·坎宁安,查拉·博奇奥,Alicia Oberle Farmer,James Morris,David E. McMahon,Lily Aranda,Jessica Staples,Landon Kasten,Mary Ellen Wolfe,William McAllister,Sean D. Hunter,Jagger Woolstenhulme